How to Use Apollo to Test GraphQL Requests in ReactIn this lesson, we'll talk about one other minor testing utility we'll use to help mock GraphQL requests in our tests - Apollo React Testing.
Using Jest and React Testing Library to Test React ComponentsIn this lesson, we'll talk about the two main testing tools we'll use to test our React components - Jest & React Testing Library.
An Intro to Software Testing: End-to-End vs. Unit TestingIn this lesson, we introduce the concept and benefits of unit testing in web applications.
Introduction to Module 3In this module, we'll install Apollo Server and the GraphQL JavaScript library, create a GraphQL Schema, build GraphQL resolver functions to interact with our mock data, and recreate our schema with the much simpler GraphQL Schema Language.
Introduction to Module 2In this module, we'll explain what GraphQL is, compare Github's REST and GraphQL APIs, and dive deeper into some core concepts of GraphQL.
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