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React Hooks 101 - Part 2: The useState Hook and State Management in Function Components

Here is the second tutorial in our 6 part YouTube series on React Hooks. We've already seen that React Hooks are arguably the biggest fundamental change to happen to React since its inception. Learning Hooks brings you up to speed with this important update to React. Now in this second tutorial, we will teach you the ins and outs of using the useState hook, the most commonly used React Hook, and thus, one of the most important ones you should know. You will see that state management using the useState hook is in many cases more straightforward than using class-based components. Function components have come a long way since React v0.14. Introduced as a simpler syntax for defining stateless, presentational components, function components can now handle state via the useState Hook. This means you can define any component, stateful or stateless, with functions, and you no longer have to deal with the verbose code that comes with classes. Using the useState hook, you can keep track of state changes as the user interacts with your functional components, much as you could do with class-based components. Your instructor for the tutorial is Paige Niedringhaus, who's a Staff Software Engineer at Blues Wireless, and an expert at React as well as related frontend technologies. Paige has a depth of experience in software development with large organizations, including at The Home Depot, where she spent 5 years in engineering. In this part 2/6 React Hooks tutorial, she covers: Mastering the contents of this free tutorial gets you ready to use the most commonly used React Hook and understand React code that uses it. Get started with the tutorial here. And watch for the continuation of the series, when we move into the other hooks you'll use most frequently on React projects. If you want to dive deeper into React and master the best practices for modernizing any React app, then check out Paige's full course: The newline Guide to Modernizing an Enterprise React App . This course covers it all: React Hooks, Design Systems, Testing, and best practices for modern React.

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial React Hooks 101 - Part 2: The useState Hook and State Management in Function Components

useState - A Primer

Function components have come a long way since React v0.14. Introduced as a simpler syntax for defining stateless, presentational components, function components can now handle state via the useState Hook. This means you can define any component, stateful or stateless, with functions, and you no longer have to deal with the extra, unnecessary code that comes with classes. In fact, if you choose to write all your components as function components, then the bundle size of your React application significantly decreases. To understand how the useState Hook lets you manage state in function components, we must first revisit class components. When you create a class component, all of the component's state is stored within a single object. Within a class constructor, this object gets assigned to the component's state instance property, like so: To update a single value (or multiple values) of the component's state, call the component's setState() method: Try it out in a CodeSandbox demo here . With the useState Hook, you no longer have to define stateful components with the class syntax. Here's how you define the <App /> class component as a function component: Try it out in a CodeSandbox demo here . Notice how much smaller the component's definition has become. Anytime you write a class component, you end up repeating the same boilerplate code: The useState Hook is a special function that lets you add state to function components. When called, this Hook returns a state variable and a function for updating the state variable's value. The state variable contains the current state. The useState Hook accepts only one argument: the initial state. initialValueOfStateVariable can be anything: a string, a number, an object, etc. Conventionally, you unpack the state variable and update function from the array returned by the useState Hook. Additionally, you name the update function after the state variable, but prefixed with the word set . For a state variable named isMessageShown , its corresponding update function should be named setIsMessageShown . The update function behaves similarly to the setState method: However, there is a key difference between the two. While the setState method shallowly merges the component's new state with its old (most recent) state, the update function completely replaces the old state with the new state. For example, given an initial state of... Calling... Leaves user and count intact, but only changes the value of isMessageShown . The current state becomes a new object that contains the modified isMessageShown and the original user and count : Try it out in a CodeSandbox demo here . Note : For state with deeply nested objects, you may want to use the spread operator to preserve the nested values. On the other hand, the update function completely wipes out user and count and only keeps the modified isMessageShown in the new state: Try it out in a CodeSandbox demo here . As a best practice, you should... To learn more about the useState Hook, check out the second tutorial in the six-part YouTube series on React Hooks by Paige Niedringhaus, a Blues Wireless Staff Software Engineer and author of The newline Guide to Modernizing an Enterprise React App.

Thumbnail Image of Tutorial useState - A Primer

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