Svelte Single-Page Applications with Svelte Router SPA

Single-page applications (SPAs) provide user experiences that mirror those on desktop/mobile applications. Navigating from one page to the next no longer requires waiting for the browser to fully refresh the page on each transition, which keeps users engaged and productive. Because only a single page is served to a user, only certain sections of the view are dynamically updated by the browser (rather than the entire view via a full-page refresh) when the user navigates to a new page. To coordinate which sections of the view are dynamically updated for each route a user can navigate to, the single-page application must leverage a router to map these updates to each possible URL and render accordingly. When a router is added to an application powered by a modern front-end library/framework, such as React.js and Svelte, developers are able to quickly build single-page applications due to the declarative APIs offered by these libraries/frameworks. Compared to applications built with React.js, those built with Svelte are smaller (in bundle size) and faster. Svelte's compiler strips out the runtime overhead from outputted bundles and only ships the code that's needed. Additionally, Svelte does not rely on a virtual DOM and diffing algorithms (or other such techniques) for rendering updates. Instead, Svelte's compiler can determine ahead of time which parts of the application should change for a given state change, and when such state changes occur, it will surgically modify the DOM directly.
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