Tutorials on Layout Composition

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How To Make CSS “Click” Through Mastering Layouts

CSS is and always has been a unique challenge. It's a tool that often divides developers into two camps: those who love it and those who kinda hate it. CSS can be an enigma even to the most skilled of devs. Developers able to create amazing pieces of code in Python and Node can be at a loss when learning how to buld CSS layouts.

Announcing "Mastering CSS Layout": The Only Guide You Need To Build Any Layout You Want

If you’ve ever thought to yourself “man, CSS sucks !” when trying to build a layout, we have great news for you. We’re here to help you say goodbye to the frustration and confusion that often goes hand in hand with the little devil we like to call CSS. Introducing "Mastering CSS Layout" - the guide that promises to help you… uh… master CSS layout.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Announcing "Mastering CSS Layout": The Only Guide You Need To Build Any Layout You Want

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Creating A Split Component

Photo by  Cassie Matias  on  Unsplash For the longest time, floats were the go-to tool for putting two things next to each other. Unfortunately, since this is not what floats were designed for, this created as many problems as it solved. Luckily, modern CSS makes this much easier to solve. Let's take the following layout:
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Creating A Split Component

How to Build a Composable Stack Component

Photo by  Sean Stratton  on  Unsplash One of the simplest and yet most common layout patterns found on the web is putting one element on top of another element with consistent space between them. From form labels, to paragraphs of text, to social media feeds. They all need to stack one thing on top of another with uniform space between them.  Let's say we are building the following component:
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial How to Build a Composable Stack Component

Composing Layouts

Composition, simply put, is when you build something greater than the sum of its parts. For example, an organism is composed of organs, which are composed of organ parts, which are composed of cells, which are composed of atoms. A musical composition can be broken down to nothing more than masterfully applying rhythm and tempo to 12 unique notes, creating all of our musical masterpieces.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Composing Layouts

CSS Reset For Composable Layouts

The styles that we write are not the first styles that get applied to our app. Before a single line of our CSS is used, the browsers will apply their user-agent style sheets. Unfortunately, there is no rule that requires any of the browsers to use the same style sheet for their user-agent. For this reason, CSS Resets have been a valuable tool to help developers provide consistent styling on the web. A CSS Reset is nothing more than a style sheet you bring in before the rest of your app's styles, either as a separate style sheet or tagged onto the beginning of your style sheet. This style sheet's goal is simply to provide a base from which you can consistently apply CSS across browsers. Some resets are aggressive and remove all styles from all elements. Others try to "normalize" all the user-agent style sheets of the various browsers. Luckily, there is currently less inconsistency across the browsers than would justify aggressive resets. Still, from a layout perspective, there is a need to override the browser default styles to make compositional layout possible. It makes sense to look at what you need to reset in the browser's user-agent style sheets to achieve this goal.