How to Fix the Error Error:error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported

If you are running Webpack or a CLI tool that’s built on top of Webpack (e.g., react-scripts for Create React App applications or vue-cli-service for Vue applications) with version 17 of Node.js, then you may have come across the following error: With Node.js v17+ supporting OpenSSL 3.0 , algorithms like MD4 have been relegated to OpenSSL 3.0’s legacy provider. A provider is a collection of cryptographic algorithm implementations. OpenSSL 3.0 comes with five standard providers : default, legacy, FIPS, base and null. The legacy provider consists of algorithms that are considered to be rarely used in today’s world or unsafe security-wise. This provider exists for backwards compatibility purposes (for software that still rely on these algorithms) and is not loaded by default. Webpack creates hashes using the crypto.createHash() method of the Node.js crypto module. This method can only create hashes with algorithms that are available and supported by the version of OpenSSL corresponding to the currently installed Node.js version. Since Webpack specifies to the crypto.createHash() method to use the MD4 algorithm (see below code), and this algorithm is not readily available in Node.js v17+ due to OpenSSL 3.0 not loading legacy providers by default, Webpack errors out and Node.js logs the error message Error: error:0308010C:digital envelope routines::unsupported . ( ) To fix this error, you can do one of five things: If you are running Node.js via nvm , then you can install Node.js v16. Once the installation finishes, nvm automatically switches the current version of Node.js to the newly installed version of Node.js. Note : Specifying 16 installs the latest LTS version with a major version of 16, which happens to be, as of the publication of this article, 16.16.0. Note : The Node.js version can be any version less than 17, but it's highly recommended to stick with Node.js versions that are under active or maintenance LTS status . Run node -v && npm -v to verify the versions of Node.js and npm running on your machine. Then, delete the node_modules folder and re-install the project's dependencies. Similarly, if you are running Node.js via Volta , then you can also install Node.js v16 the same way. Note : For convenience, you can save this exact version of Node.js and npm to the project via the volta pin node@16 command. Anytime you enter the project directory and run Node.js, Volta automatically switches the current version of Node.js to the pinned version of Node.js. Run node -v && npm -v to verify the versions of Node.js and npm running on your machine. Then, delete the node_modules folder and re-install the project's dependencies. Introduced in Node.js v17 alongside support for OpenSSL 3.0, the --openssl-legacy-provider flag tells Node.js to revert to OpenSSL 3.0's legacy provider. This allows you to run tools like Webpack that still create hashes with legacy cryptographic algorithms like MD4. Here are some examples of how to pass this flag: If you have multiple CLI tools that depend on legacy cryptographic algorithms, then you can set the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable to --openssl-legacy-provider instead of passing the --openssl-legacy-provider flag to each of these tools. For MacOSX and Unix, run the following command before running anything else: For Windows, run the following command before running anything else: Alternatively, you could set the environment variable directly within an npm script of a package.json file, like so: With npm-run-all , all of the executed npm scripts receive the NODE_OPTIONS environment variable. Note : For cross-platform compatibility, set the environment variable via a CLI tool like cross-env . For an older Create React App project that runs react-script v4.0.3 (the version before v5.0.0 ), there are three files across two dependencies that use the MD4 algorithm for creating hashes: Upon patching these files, the Create React App application runs successfully with Node.js v17+. However, this approach is highly discouraged. You would need to: For a Webpack project, you can apply the following patch to redirect requests for creating hashes with the MD4 algorithm to creating hashes with the MD5 algorithm instead, like so: ( ) Note : Overriding the createHash() method of the crypto module via the above solution was originally suggested by Alexander Akait , a core contributor of Webpack. For Create React App projects, check the installed version of react-scripts . If the version is less than v5.0.0, then upgrade the version of react-scripts to v5.0.0 or higher. In v5.0.0 of Create React App, the version of the cached Webpack modules and chunks gets generated using a stringified object of environment variables and MD5 algorithm . ( ) Want to learn about Vue 3, the Composition API and building real-world, production-ready applications with Vue 3? Check out our book Fullstack Vue 3 :

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