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Reaching flow state with Clojure's REPL

Did you know that you sleep in multiple phases? At first, you lie down and close your eyes, but it's still easy to be woken up. As sleep progresses it becomes deeper, to the point where you lose your sense of time and start dreaming. This stage is called deep sleep or REM sleep and it's essential for learning, memory, and wellbeing. The catch is - you cannot progress to the REM stage until you have finished the earlier, non-REM stages. Flow state is akin to deep sleep. When you reach your desk, you are not immediately productive. You read your emails, check Reddit or Hacker News, and then slowly ease into the flow state (at which point you get disturbed by being called for a meeting, of course!). The point is, to work efficiently, we need to progress in stages until we reach flow state. Any external hindrance breaks the flow and forces us to start again. External distractions can be due to the surrounding environment (kids, meetings, food breaks, angry neighbors) or your tooling (compile time, documentation lookups, unrelated bugs, etc). Library and language developers cannot fix your issues with your angry neighbor, but a lot of effort has been made to improve the tools.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Reaching flow state with Clojure's REPL

Reaching Flow State with Clojure's REPL

Alternate titles Do you know that you sleep in multiple phases. You start with your eyes closed, but it's really easy to get disturbed. As the sleep progresses, it becomes deeper, to the point where you lose the sense of time and start dreaming. This stage is called deep sleep or REM sleep. The catch is - you cannot progress to the REM stage, until you have finished the earlier, non-rem stages. Flow state is akin to deep sleep. When you reach your desk, you are not immediately productive. You read your mails, check Reddit or Hacker News and then slowly ease into the flow state (and then you are called for a meeting). Point being, to be able to work efficiently, we need to progress in stages until you reach flow state.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Reaching Flow State with Clojure's REPL

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