Tutorials on React Library

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Implementing a useMap React Hook

Ever since the introduction of Hooks into the React library, creating cleaner, reusable components has become much easier. Instead of using render props and higher-order components, Hooks provide us a way to share stateful logic across multiple components without making any modifications to an application's component hierarchy. React comes with several built-in Hooks for handling component state and lifecycle, such as useState and useEffect , that can be composed to create all kinds of different Hooks. Creating your own custom Hooks can be tricky. Once you decide upon the part of a component to extract out into a separate function as a custom Hook, you need to carefully refactor this stateful logic to... For example, a Hook that manages authentication should...

Automating a React Library's Build Process with RollupJS and Babel

The meteoric adoption of TypeScript in recent years has led to the increased publication of well-documented, robust libraries. TypeScript boosts developer productivity and lessens the likelihood of bugs (and typos) by embracing static code analysis and feeding suggestions to code completion engines, but at the cost of additional bloat (from type annotations and syntactic sugar) and tooling requirements. Although TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript, web browsers and runtimes, such as Node.js, cannot execute TypeScript code. Furthermore, applications written in JavaScript cannot import TypeScript libraries as modules. If you choose to write a library in TypeScript, then you need to identify the library's target audience: Depending on the configuration of your library's build process, the library's module bundler can output compiled versions of the library that address these scenarios. For example, if a developer has written their application using the module format ES modules , then they can import the ES module version of the library (outputted into a .mjs file by the module bundler) at the top of the application's source code via an import statement. Since ES modules was released several years ago as part of the ES6 standard, the JavaScript language had no native implementation for importing/exporting modules prior to the ES6 standard. With older module formats, such as CommonJS and UMD, still actively used by some codebases, you may want to specify these formats as outputs of the library's module bundler to maximize the library's usage and adoption by other developers.
Thumbnail Image of Tutorial Automating a React Library's Build Process with RollupJS and Babel

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