The newline Guide to Practical Abstract Syntax Trees is Now Live! 🎉

Learn the practical techniques you need today to modify any large-scale codebase without the hassle of manual, one line at a time refactors.  We use real world tools such as Facebook's jscodeshift to apply these powerful concepts on actual codebases. The course goes beyond just theory to practical hands on coding , with a sample codebase we provide that you will modify as you apply the techniques you learn in the course. With  Practical Abstract Syntax Trees  you  unlock the ability to make sweeping changes in a safe and reliable way in any size codebase . We'll tackle:  It's taught by Spencer Miskoviak, who's an engineer at WealthFront, the leading automated investing services firm with over $20 billion in assets under management (AUM). Spencer is a recognized expert on ASTs and JavaScript. He presented on ASTs at React Conf in 2019, showing advanced ways to optimize a JavaScript codebase. Access The newline Guide to Practical Abstract Syntax Trees for all of the practical techniques you need to maintain any size codebase.

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