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Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase

Bring Real-Time Capabilities to Modern Next.js Applications

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Course Syllabus and Content

Embark on a transformative learning journey with our course, Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase. Gain comprehensive insights into every facet of constructing a real-time application using Next.js. Throughout the course, you will actively engage in creating a fully functional real-time feature, providing you with invaluable hands-on experience. Elevate your skill set and empower yourself to master the intricacies of building dynamic applications in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.

Module 1


7 Lessons 4 Minutes

Module 2

Getting Started with Next.js and Supabase app

2 Lessons 4 Minutes

Module 3

Building the UI

3 Lessons 19 Minutes

Module 4


4 Lessons 9 Minutes

Module 5

Supabase with Next

3 Lessons 12 Minutes

Module 6

Final Thoughts

1 Lesson 58 Seconds

Module 7

Platform Comparison

2 Lessons