Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase

This course is here to assist you in efficiently creating real-time applications using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, and Supabase. We go beyond the fundamentals, guiding you through the complexities of real-time techniques and highlighting the importance of selecting the appropriate technology for each project or feature.

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On demand video

51 mins

Video Lessons

18 Videos

Course Instructor
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Founder and tech lead @aliciainsurance

How The Course Works


You can take the course from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.


Learn at your own pace, whenever it's convenient for you. With no rigid schedule to worry about, you can take the course on your own terms.


Join a vibrant community of other students who are also learning with Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase. Ask questions, get feedback and collaborate with others to take your skills to the next level.


Learn in a cohesive fashion that's easy to follow. With a clear progression from basic principles to advanced techniques, you'll grow stronger and more skilled with each module.

Course Preview

What You Will Build In This Course

Course Overview

Bring Real-Time Capabilities to Modern Next.js Applications

What you will learn
  • What is a Real-Time Application

  • Importance of Learning Real-Time Features

  • Common Issues In Real-Time Applications

  • Setting Up The Next.js Project with Supabase

  • How to Integrate Supabase Real-Time with Next.js

  • RLS in Supabase Databases

  • Real-Time Multiplayer Feature

  • Building a Hands on Real-Time Project

  • Understanding Long Polling

  • Exploring WebRTC Under The Hood

  • Understanding Websockets Under The Hood

  • Exploring Server-Sent Events (SSE) Under The Hood

How The Course Works:

  • Online: The "Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase" course is a comprehensive online program spanning six modules.
  • Remote Access: Take advantage of the course from any location, allowing you the flexibility to engage with the materials at your convenience.
  • Self-Paced Learning: Tailor your learning experience to your schedule, enabling you to progress through the course content at your own pace.
  • Community Engagement: Collaborate and learn alongside a diverse community of fellow students, fostering an environment of shared knowledge and support.
  • Structured Learning: Experience a well-organized curriculum designed to provide a cohesive and comprehensive understanding of Angular Signals in a logical progression.

Understanding the Challenges

  1. Synchronization Complexity: Ensuring that all users see the same real-time updates simultaneously can be complex. Managing data synchronization across different clients and dealing with potential conflicts requires careful planning.
  2. Latency Issues: Latency is a constant challenge in real-time applications. Achieving low-latency communication between clients and the server is crucial to maintaining a seamless user experience.
  3. Scalability: As the number of users increases, scalability becomes a significant concern. Ensuring that the system can handle a growing user base while maintaining real-time responsiveness is a challenge that needs careful consideration.
  4. Conflict Resolution: In collaborative environments, conflicts can arise when multiple users attempt to edit the same piece of data simultaneously. Implementing effective conflict resolution strategies is essential to maintain data integrity.
  5. Security: Real-time collaborative features often involve sharing sensitive information. Ensuring the security of the communication channels and protecting data from unauthorized access is paramount.
  6. Cross-Browser Compatibility: Different browsers may have varying levels of support for real-time technologies. Ensuring cross-browser compatibility is crucial to providing a consistent experience for all users.
  7. Testing and Debugging: Real-time features can be challenging to test thoroughly, especially when dealing with various network conditions and client environments. Debugging issues related to real-time updates requires specialized tools and careful monitoring.
  8. User Experience: Maintaining a smooth and intuitive user experience can be challenging, especially when dealing with frequent updates. Striking a balance between providing real-time information and avoiding overwhelming users with constant changes is crucial.
  9. Infrastructure Considerations: Setting up and maintaining the infrastructure to support real-time communication, including WebSocket connections or other technologies, requires careful planning and consideration of server resources.
  10. Compatibility with Existing Systems: Integrating real-time features into an existing application may pose challenges in terms of compatibility with the current architecture and technologies in use.

Addressing these challenges requires a combination of solid architectural design, thoughtful implementation, and continuous testing and optimization throughout the development process.

Advantages of Learning to Build Real-Time Collaborative Features with Next.js and Supabase in 2024

  1. High Demand for Real-Time Applications: The demand for real-time applications continues to rise across various industries, including communication, collaboration, and entertainment. Learning to build real-time features positions you well for opportunities in these domains.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: Real-time features provide users with a more engaging and interactive experience. Learning to implement these features allows you to create applications that feel dynamic and responsive, contributing to a positive user experience.
  3. Versatility Across Industries: Real-time collaboration is not limited to a specific industry. The skills you acquire can be applied in sectors such as healthcare, education, finance, and more, making you versatile in your development capabilities.
  4. Competitive Edge in the Job Market: As real-time features become increasingly integral to modern applications, having the skills to implement them can give you a competitive edge in the job market. Employers value developers who can create applications with real-time capabilities.
  5. Supabase's Ease of Use: Supabase provides a user-friendly platform for building real-time applications, offering features like real-time database updates out of the box. Learning Supabase can streamline the development process and enable you to build powerful applications more efficiently.
  6. Community Support and Documentation: The Next.js and Supabase communities are active and supportive. Learning within these ecosystems means having access to a wealth of resources, tutorials, and community forums where you can seek help and share knowledge.
  7. Scalability and Performance: Modern real-time technologies, when implemented correctly, can handle large-scale applications with ease. Learning to build scalable and performant real-time features ensures that your applications can grow to meet increasing demands.
  8. Integration with Other Technologies: Real-time features often complement other technologies such as serverless architecture, APIs, and cloud services. Learning how to integrate real-time capabilities into a broader tech stack enhances your ability to create robust and interconnected applications.
  9. Stay Current with Industry Trends: Staying up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends is crucial for a successful career in software development. Real-time collaboration is likely to remain a key focus, and learning these skills keeps you relevant in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.
  10. Entrepreneurial Opportunities: Knowing how to build real-time collaborative features opens up opportunities for creating your own innovative applications or services. Whether you're working for a company or venturing into entrepreneurship, these skills empower you to bring dynamic solutions to the market.

Always consider checking the latest updates and trends in the industry to ensure that the technologies you're learning remain relevant.

Course Content Overview

Course Overview: Total Modules: 6 Total Lessons: 18 Total Video Runtime: 1 hour, 9 minutes


This course is here to assist you in efficiently creating real-time applications using Next.js, TypeScript, Tailwind CSS, Supabase, and Progress. We go beyond the fundamentals, guiding you through the complexities of real-time techniques and highlighting the importance of selecting the appropriate technology for each project or feature.

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Sample Course Lessons

Course Syllabus and Content

Embark on a transformative learning journey with our course, Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase. Gain comprehensive insights into every facet of constructing a real-time application using Next.js. Throughout the course, you will actively engage in creating a fully functional real-time feature, providing you with invaluable hands-on experience. Elevate your skill set and empower yourself to master the intricacies of building dynamic applications in the ever-evolving landscape of web development.

Module 1


7 Lessons 4 Minutes

This module introduces the importance of offering real-time features to users in any application. Learn to build a real-time feature using a real-world use case. Understand the pitfalls of traditional approaches and use a modern solution to quickly offer a real-time collaborative feature to an application.

Module 2

Getting Started with Next.js and Supabase app

2 Lessons 4 Minutes

Launch your app within minutes using Next.js and Supabase. We'll kick things off by building a real-world app from scratch, delving into the foundational setup to establish a robust base for our application. Let's get started!

Module 3

Building the UI

3 Lessons 19 Minutes

Elevate your skills as you craft a polished UI using Next.js and Tailwind CSS. Our focus will be entirely dedicated to constructing the user interface for our demo app. Let's dive into the world of sleek design!

Module 4


4 Lessons 9 Minutes

Now, let's delve into the heart of this course. We'll leverage Supabase's real-time feature and seamlessly integrate it into our application. Alongside that, we'll explore advanced concepts, including Row-Level Security (RLS). Get ready for a deep dive into these crucial aspects!

Module 5

Supabase with Next

3 Lessons 12 Minutes

In this module, we'll take a deeper dive into the Supabase database. Get ready to make real-time changes to the database and craft a sharing feature using Next.js. Let's explore the intricacies together!

Module 6

Final Thoughts

1 Lesson 58 Seconds

In the concluding module, we'll explore additional concepts of real-time communication and take a peek under the hood of these features. Let's unravel the inner workings together!

Module 7

Platform Comparison

2 Lessons

In the concluding module, we'll explore other realtime and backend as a service platforms like supabase.

Module 8


5 Lessons

In the concluding module, we'll explore additional concepts of real-time communication and take a peek under the hood of these features. Let's unravel the inner workings together!

What Students are Saying

        Meet the Course Instructor



        Hey Future Learners!

        I'm Malith, and I'm stoked to be your guide on this learning adventure. Wondering why you should hitch a ride on this coding journey with me? Well, let me break it down:

        1. Seasoned in Software (15 Years and Counting): With a solid 15-year track record in the software industry, I've seen it all – the trends, the shifts, and the game-changers. I bring a wealth of hands-on experience to the table.
        2. Tech Lead at Alicia Insurance: Currently steering the tech ship as a Tech Lead at Alicia Insurance, I'm in the trenches, applying real-world solutions to real-world challenges. You're not just learning theory; you're diving into practical, industry-relevant insights.
        3. Founder of Mindroid in Germany: I've planted my tech flag in Germany with Mindroid. Founding a company means not just keeping up with the industry but actively shaping its future. Let's bring some of that German precision to our coding journey!
        4. Bootstrapping Aficionado with Ever tried bootstrapping a startup? Well, I'm knee-deep in it with It's not just about coding; it's about creating solutions from the ground up. Expect to learn the ropes of entrepreneurship alongside coding skills.
        5. Passion for Innovation: I don't just teach code; I live and breathe innovation. Whether it's navigating the complexities of insurance tech or crafting the next big thing with, I'm here to infuse that passion into your learning experience.

        So, buckle up! We're not just learning to code; we're embarking on a journey where experience meets innovation. Ready to level up your skills and dive into the exciting world of tech? Let's code together! 🚀🌐

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        Frequently Asked Questions

        What is Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase?

        Real-time features have transformed the user experience in modern applications. Consider popular platforms like social media, messaging apps, collaborative tools, and online gaming. These applications leverage real-time capabilities to keep users engaged and satisfied. Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase provide instantaneous or near-instant data updates and interactions. Think of chat applications, live sports scores, collaborative document editing, or even real-time tracking of a ride-sharing car's location. The key is updating the data as soon as it changes, providing a seamless and dynamic user experience. Next.js and Supabase will help you do exactly that.

        Who is this course for?

        This course is for anyone who is interested in building a realtime collaborative app using Next.js and Supabase. Specifically, if you want to build and release an MVP with Next.js, this course will help you to understand the use of realtime features. This course is also for you, if you are a developer who is interested in understanding how to communicate with database in realtime.

        Why should I learn about realtime features?

        Learning to build real-time features as a developer offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it enhances user engagement by providing a dynamic and responsive experience, making applications more appealing. This skill also provides a competitive edge in the rapidly evolving digital landscape, as users increasingly favor real-time capabilities. Additionally, real-time features facilitate collaboration in various contexts, supporting teamwork and interactive projects. Understanding how to implement communication features, such as chat or video conferencing, is crucial for building effective communication tools. As the Internet of Things (IoT) becomes more prevalent, real-time communication skills become essential for working on IoT projects. Given the market demand, learning to build real-time features aligns with current trends, making developers more versatile and in-demand. These features also contribute to an enhanced user experience, offering instant feedback, live updates, and real-time analytics. Moreover, addressing challenges related to data synchronization and scalability sharpens problem-solving skills. Learning real-time technologies keeps developers abreast of cutting-edge tools and frameworks, fostering technological growth. Ultimately, proficiency in building real-time features opens up diverse career opportunities in a rapidly evolving tech landscape.

        What if I don't like the course?

        We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so if you're not satisfied with the course, you can request a refund within 30 days of purchase by sending us a message.

        What is included in the course?

        This course includes 6 complete modules. It has 18 videos, totaling 1hr and 8 mins. You’ll have access to every lesson video, textual lesson content, downloadable project code files, interactive IDE, and AI Tutor. Plus you'll get access to a Bonus module with 6 additional lessons.

        What are there prerequisites for this course?

        A basic understanding of React is recommended, the course is structured to guide both beginners and experienced developers through constructing a real-time applications using Next.js.

        What will I learn?

        Next.js, an open-source React framework for building web applications. It simplifies React development by offering features like server-side rendering (SSR), static site generation (SSG), automatic code splitting, hot module replacement, and file system-based routing. TypeScript, a superset of JavaScript that adds static typing. It enhances code quality and developer productivity by catching errors early in the development process. Supabase, an open-source platform that provides a set of tools and services for building and scaling applications with a focus on backend functionalities. Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework that provides a set of low-level utility classes to build designs directly in your markup. It's different from traditional CSS frameworks that come with pre-designed components.

        Why take this course?

        Whether you're just starting your journey as a budding engineer or you're a seasoned developer looking to enhance your skills, this course is for you. This course is designed to cater to both beginners eager to level up and experienced developers seeking to master the art of building modern, real-time applications.

        How long will it take to complete the course?

        The course offers flexibility, allowing you to learn at your own pace. Start, stop, re-watch anytime. It’s expected that you’d spend approximately 2-4 hours going through the entire course materials.

        Can I access the course on my mobile device?

        Yes, the course is fully responsive and can be accessed on your mobile device.

        Is there a certificate upon completion of the course?

        Yes, you can get a certificate by sending us a message.

        Can I download the course videos?

        No, the course videos cannot be downloaded, but they can be accessed online at any time.

        What is the price of the course?

        The course is currently priced at $39 USD. Alternatively, you can access the complete course as part of the "newline Pro subscription", which costs $30/month.

        What if I need help?

        You can ask us questions anytime through the community Discord channel or by sending us a message.

        Real-Time Collaborative Apps with Next.js and Supabase

