Welcome to
Fullstack Svelte
Build a Svelte app with Node.js, Express, and Postgresql
Course Syllabus and Content
Module 2
Setting Up A Development Environment
3 Lessons 20 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:04:12
- Sneak Peek00:07:04
- Sneak Peek00:09:25
Module 3
Front End Routing
2 Lessons 31 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:20:16
- Sneak Peek00:11:36
Module 4
User Interface Styles and Interactions
3 Lessons 26 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:06:15
- Sneak Peek00:06:38
- Sneak Peek00:13:47
Module 5
Creating the Backend Application
3 Lessons 41 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:16:48
- Sneak Peek00:10:52
- Sneak Peek00:13:47
Module 6
Fetching Data in the Frontend
4 Lessons 37 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:14:34
- Sneak Peek00:10:59
- Sneak Peek00:06:36
- Sneak Peek00:05:31
Module 7
Adding Persistence with PostgreSQL
4 Lessons 57 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:07:18
- Sneak Peek00:12:37
- Sneak Peek00:15:32
- Sneak Peek00:21:57
Module 8
Creating, Updating and Deleting Data in the Frontend
3 Lessons 28 Minutes
- Sneak Peek
- Sneak Peek
- Sneak Peek00:28:42
Module 9
Securing the Application
3 Lessons1 Hours 13 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:37:19
- Sneak Peek
- Sneak Peek00:36:25
Module 11
Production Deployment
1 Lesson 13 Minutes
- Sneak Peek00:13:35