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Mastering Vim and Neovim

Master the powerful world of Vim and Neovim. Start with basic text editing techniques and progress to sophisticated coding tools and Lua scripting, transforming Neovim into a full-fledged IDE.

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Course Instructor
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Kishore Newton

As a seasoned software architect with over eight years of experience, I specialize in designing and implementing highly reliable, scalable systems that support significant user demands. My technical expertise spans a diverse set of programming languages, including TypeScript, Python, Rust, Lua, Erlang, and C++. Throughout my career, I've played pivotal roles in cross-functional teams, guiding the architectural decisions to drive projects to successful completions. My passion for technology is matched by my dedication to delivering robust solutions that leverage the best practices in software development. Whether working in startup environments or large-scale corporate settings, I bring a strategic perspective and a commitment to excellence that drives innovation and operational efficiency.

How The Course Works


You can take the course from anywhere in the world, as long as you have a computer and an internet connection.


Learn at your own pace, whenever it's convenient for you. With no rigid schedule to worry about, you can take the course on your own terms.


Join a vibrant community of other students who are also learning with Mastering Vim and Neovim. Ask questions, get feedback and collaborate with others to take your skills to the next level.


Learn in a cohesive fashion that's easy to follow. With a clear progression from basic principles to advanced techniques, you'll grow stronger and more skilled with each module.

Course Overview

From Text Editing to Full IDE

What you will learn
  • Basic to advanced Vim and Neovim editing techniques

  • Setting up Neovim with modern tools and plugins

  • Lua scripting for customization and plugin development

  • Advanced text manipulations and integrating external APIs

  • Creating and sharing Neovim configurations

  • Creating your own plugins from scratch

Dive into Vim and Neovim, learning everything from basic editing to advanced IDE features. We cover the essentials of Vim modes and commands, how to extend Neovim with plugins, and scripting with Lua to customize and enhance functionality.

This course spans several hours and includes hands-on projects, detailed tutorials, and all the necessary resources to become proficient.

It's taught by Kishore Newton, a seasoned developer and educator with a passion for enhancing developer productivity through efficient tooling. This course is a must for developers looking to elevate their editing skills and workflow.

Our students work at


Course Syllabus and Content

Module 1


1 Lesson

Welcome to 'Mastering Vim and Neovim: From Text Editing to Full IDE,' the definitive journey into the depths of one of the most powerful text editors. This course is tailored for both novices and seasoned users aiming to transform their coding, configuration, and customization skills. You'll start with basic editing and quickly move to mastering complex configurations and scripting your own enhancements using Lua. By the end, you'll not only be fluent in Vim and Neovim but also adept at extending their capabilities to match your workflow precisely. Join me, and let's unlock the true power of your editor together!

Module 2


3 Lessons

This module guides you through the initial steps of installing Vim on various operating systems, ensuring that all participants, regardless of their platform, can seamlessly start their journey. We'll cover:

  • Installing Vim on Windows Using Chocolatey: A straightforward guide to getting Vim set up on Windows machines using the Chocolatey package manager.
  • Installing Vim on macOS Using Homebrew: How to use Homebrew, the popular package manager for macOS, to install Vim efficiently.
  • Installing Vim on Linux: Step-by-step instructions to install Vim on various Linux distributions, making use of standard package managers. This foundational module ensures you have the right tools installed to maximize your learning and productivity throughout the course.
Module 3

Getting Started with Vim

0 Lessons

Kick off your mastery of Vim by learning the essential skills to get started. This module covers the fundamental aspects of Vim that every user must know:

  • Opening and Closing Vim: Learn how to start and exit Vim correctly, setting the stage for a productive editing session.
  • Understanding Vim Modes: A Complete Guide: Dive deep into the different modes of Vim, including Normal, Insert, and Visual modes, and understand when and how to use them effectively.
  • Basic Navigation in Vim Using hjkl Keys: Get accustomed to Vim's unique navigation keys, which will enhance your efficiency and speed in moving through text.
  • Enhancing Navigation in Vim with Line Numbers: Learn how to enable and use line numbers to quickly navigate and reference specific parts of your files.
  • The Help Command in Vim: Discover how to use Vim's built-in help system to find commands and shortcuts, making your learning process more autonomous and efficient. This module will equip you with the necessary tools to feel confident in navigating and manipulating text within Vim, paving the way for more advanced topics.
    Module 4

    Getting Started with Vimrc

    0 Lessons

    This module is dedicated to setting up and customizing your Vim runtime configuration file, known as vimrc, which allows you to tailor Vim to your preferences and workflow. Throughout this module, you will:

    • Setting Up a vimrc File on Windows: Learn the steps to create and customize your vimrc file in a Windows environment, utilizing best practices to enhance Vim's functionality.
    • Setting Up Your Vimrc on macOS: Instructions on how to locate, create, and edit your vimrc file on macOS, along with tips for optimizing your editing experience.
    • Setting Up Your Vimrc on Linux: Detailed guidance on configuring your vimrc file on Linux systems to maximize the efficiency and customization of Vim. By the end of this module, you will have a personalized Vim setup that aligns with your coding habits and preferences, enabling a more productive and enjoyable editing experience.
      Module 5

      Advanced Navigation

      0 Lessons

      Elevate your Vim navigation skills with this comprehensive module designed for those who want to navigate files and code with precision and speed. Topics covered include:

      • Navigating Words and Characters in Vim: Master the techniques for moving efficiently at the character and word level within your documents, optimizing your editing speed.
      • Advanced Line Navigation in Vim: Learn advanced methods to move between lines and within lines to quickly reach your target locations within the code.
      • Moving within Files and Moving between Lines in Vim: Explore Vim's powerful commands for scrolling and moving through large files without losing your place.
      • Mastering Code Folding in Vim: Understand how to use code folding to manage and navigate large files more effectively, keeping your workspace organized and focused. This module will not only improve your ability to move through text swiftly but also enhance your overall efficiency in handling complex editing tasks in Vim.
        Module 6

        Editing Basics

        0 Lessons

        Dive into the core editing capabilities of Vim in this essential module that teaches you how to efficiently manipulate text and manage your documents. The lessons include:

        • Inserting Text in Vim: Entering Insert Mode: Learn how to switch to Insert mode to begin adding text to your files and the nuances of this fundamental mode.
        • Deleting Text in Vim: Key Commands and Techniques: Master the various commands for removing text, from single characters to entire lines and beyond, enhancing your editing efficiency.
        • Changing and Replacing Text in Vim: Essential Commands: Explore Vim's powerful capabilities for changing and replacing text, which allow for swift modifications without leaving Normal mode.
        • Copying, Cutting, and Pasting Text in Vim: Complete Guide: Understand how to use Vim's yank, delete, and put commands to manage text within and across documents.
        • Mastering Undo and Redo in Vim: Unlimited History and Persistence: Gain control over your editing actions with Vim's robust undo and redo features, learning how to navigate and utilize the history of changes effectively. By the end of this module, you will be well-equipped to handle any text editing task with precision and speed, making your Vim workflow more productive and less error-prone.
          Module 7

          Advanced Editing

          0 Lessons

          Take your Vim skills to the next level with this module on advanced editing techniques. Each lesson is designed to deepen your understanding and efficiency in handling complex text manipulation tasks:

          • Searching and Replacing Text in Vim: A Detailed Tutorial: Learn how to effectively search for text within your files and replace it using Vim's powerful search commands.
          • Mastering Regular Expressions in Vim for Search and Replace: Enhance your search and replace skills with regular expressions, allowing you to perform complex text manipulations with ease.
          • Automating Tasks in Vim with Macros: A Complete Guide: Discover how to record and execute macros in Vim, automating repetitive tasks to save time and increase productivity.
          • Efficient Text Editing in Vim with Text Objects: Understand and use text objects to edit words, sentences, and blocks of text more efficiently, making your editing faster and more precise.
          • Advanced Techniques for Using Visual Mode in Vim: Explore advanced uses of Visual mode to select and manipulate text in more complex ways.
          • Editing Multiple Files Simultaneously in Vim: Learn techniques for managing and editing multiple files in Vim at once, enhancing your ability to work on large projects. This module will empower you to harness the full potential of Vim's editing capabilities, making you proficient in navigating and modifying your codebase with confidence.
            Module 8

            Getting Started with Netrw

            0 Lessons

            Embark on mastering Netrw, Vim's versatile built-in file explorer, in this dedicated module. Whether you're organizing files or navigating directories within Vim, Netrw is an essential tool for every Vim user. This module covers:

            • Introduction to Netrw: Vim's Built-In File Explorer: Get acquainted with Netrw and its role as an integral component of Vim for browsing and managing filesystems.
            • Netrw in Vim: A Comprehensive Guide for Beginners: Dive into the basics of using Netrw, including opening and navigating through directories directly from Vim.
            • File Operations in Netrw: Learn how to perform essential file operations such as creating, deleting, and renaming files or directories within Netrw.
            • Netrw Settings and Customization: Customize Netrw to fit your workflow with various settings and options that enhance its functionality and user interface.
            • Advanced Usage of Netrw: Explore advanced features of Netrw, including remote file access and using bookmarks to enhance your file management capabilities. By the end of this module, you will be proficient in utilizing Netrw for efficient file browsing and management, enhancing your overall Vim experience.
              Module 9

              Switching to Neovim

              0 Lessons

              Transition smoothly to Neovim, the modern extension of Vim, with this module that guides you through installing and setting up Neovim on various operating systems. This module includes:

              • Installing Neovim on Windows Using Chocolatey: Step-by-step instructions to install Neovim using Chocolatey, a package manager for Windows.
              • Installing Neovim on macOS Using Homebrew: Learn how to install Neovim on macOS using Homebrew, the popular package manager for Mac.
              • Installing Neovim on Linux: Detailed guidance on installing Neovim on different Linux distributions using their respective package managers.
              • Setting Up Your init.vim for Neovim on Windows: Configure your Neovim environment on Windows by setting up the init.vim file, Neovim's equivalent of vimrc.
              • Setting Up Your init.vim on macOS for Neovim: Instructions for configuring the init.vim file on macOS, tailoring Neovim to your needs.
              • Setting Up Your init.vim for Neovim on Linux: Learn how to set up and customize your init.vim file on Linux to maximize Neovim's potential. By the end of this module, you will have Neovim installed and configured on your system, ready to take advantage of its enhanced features and capabilities.
                Module 10

                More Neovim Configuration Guides

                0 Lessons

                Deepen your understanding of Neovim's configuration through this focused module on the "init.vim" file, the cornerstone of Neovim customization. This module covers:

                • Understanding the init.vim Configuration File for Neovim: Learn the structure and purpose of the init.vim file, how it influences Neovim's behavior, and how you can use it to tailor the editor to your preferences.
                • Neovim Configuration Manual: Essential init.vim Settings: Explore essential settings and tweaks within the init.vim file that can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency in Neovim. This module will equip you with the knowledge to customize Neovim at a deeper level, enabling a more personalized and powerful editing environment.
                  Module 11

                  Creating Our Custom Color Theme

                  0 Lessons

                  Dive into the creative process of designing your own Neovim color theme in this practical module. Whether you're aiming for aesthetics or functionality, a custom color theme can significantly enhance your coding experience. This module covers:

                  • Understanding Color Theory: Learn the basics of color theory to make informed choices about your theme's palette.
                  • Configuring Neovim for Custom Themes: Understand the settings and files involved in theme creation and modification in Neovim.
                  • Designing Your Color Scheme: Step-by-step guidance on choosing colors for different syntax elements and UI components.
                  • Implementing and Testing Your Theme: Learn how to apply your color scheme, test it across various file types, and make adjustments as needed.
                  • Sharing Your Theme with the Community: Tips on packaging and distributing your theme so others can enjoy it too. By the end of this module, you'll have a unique Neovim theme tailored to your preferences, alongside the skills to tweak or create new themes in the future.
                    Module 12

                    Intro to Lua Programming

                    4 Lessons

                    Embark on a comprehensive journey into Lua programming, designed to equip you with the skills needed to enhance your coding projects, particularly with Neovim scripting. This course covers:

                    • Introduction: Get an overview of Lua's capabilities and where it can be applied effectively.
                    • Installing and Using Lua: Learn how to set up Lua on your system and start writing basic scripts.
                    • Variables and Expressions: Dive into Lua syntax, focusing on variables and how to use expressions to manipulate data.
                    • Conditionals and Logical Operators: Master decision-making in your scripts using conditional statements and logical operators.
                    • Strings and Standard Library Modules: Explore Lua's built-in functions for handling strings and other useful standard libraries.
                    • Loops and Functions: Learn how to automate repetitive tasks with loops and organize your code better with functions.
                    • Tables: Understand Lua's powerful table data structure for organizing and storing data.
                    • Metatables and Object-Oriented Programming: Delve into advanced Lua features like metatables and how to apply object-oriented principles.
                    • More on Lua Functions: Expand your knowledge on different types of functions in Lua, including closures and high-order functions. Each section is packed with practical examples and exercises to reinforce your learning, preparing you to apply Lua in various programming contexts, especially in enhancing Neovim's functionality.

                    Meet the Course Instructor

                    Kishore Newton

                    Kishore Newton

                    As a seasoned software architect with over eight years of experience, I specialize in designing and implementing highly reliable, scalable systems that support significant user demands. My technical expertise spans a diverse set of programming languages, including TypeScript, Python, Rust, Lua, Erlang, and C++.

                    Throughout my career, I've played pivotal roles in cross-functional teams, guiding the architectural decisions to drive projects to successful completions. My passion for technology is matched by my dedication to delivering robust solutions that leverage the best practices in software development. Whether working in startup environments or large-scale corporate settings, I bring a strategic perspective and a commitment to excellence that drives innovation and operational efficiency

                    Frequently Asked Questions

                    What is Vim Mastery: From Zero to Full IDE?

                    This course takes you from basic Vim commands to using Neovim as a comprehensive IDE with Lua scripting for plugin development.

                    Who is this course for?

                    This course is designed for developers at all skill levels who wish to master Vim and Neovim, from basic editing to advanced customization.

                    What if I don't like the course?

                    We offer a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can request a refund if the course doesn't meet your expectations.

                    What is included in the course?

                    The course includes video lessons, textual content, downloadable code, interactive IDE, and access to an AI Tutor.

                    What are the prerequisites for this course?

                    You should be comfortable with basic computer operations and interested in improving your text editing and coding efficiency.

                    How long will it take to complete the course?

                    The course is self-paced but typically takes about 20-30 hours to complete fully.

                    Can I access the course on my mobile device?

                    Yes, the course is fully responsive and can be accessed on any device.

                    Is there a certificate upon completion of the course?

                    Yes, successful completion earns you a certificate which you can request via email.

                    Can I ask questions during the course?

                    Absolutely, you can engage with instructors and peers in the comments section and our Discord channel.

                    Can I download the course videos?

                    The videos are streamable and can be accessed online at any time, but they are not available for download.

                    What is the price of the course?

                    The course is priced at $199 USD, with an option to access it through the Fullstack Pro subscription at $20/month.

                    How is this course different from other Vim and Neovim courses?

                    Our course provides a comprehensive learning path from basic text editing to advanced IDE features, uniquely integrating practical projects and Lua scripting.