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Set Up a Maintainable Flask Application in a Virtual Environment

Project Source Code

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To set up the project on your local machine, please follow the directions provided in the file. If you run into any issues with running the project source code, then feel free to reach out to the author in the course's Discord channel.

Setting up a new Flask Application

Here are the steps to set up the foundation for a maintainable Flask application.

  1. Create a folder for our new application called yumroad-app
  2. With your terminal, create a virtual environment in the yumroad-app folder by running python3 -m venv env
  3. Activate the Virtual Environment by running source env/bin/activate in your terminal (You should see your prompt prefixed with a (env) to know that your virtual env is activated)

Your virtualenv needs to be activated in every terminal session where you plan to run the application If you open a new tab or window for example and want to run commands that depend on things installed within the virtual environment, you'll need to run the activation command again.

  1. Create a requirements.txt that lists the following starting libraries as requirements

  1. Install those libraries by running pip install -r requirements.txt
  2. Create a folder called yumroad and then a file called within the yumroad folder
  3. Setup the basic application factory pattern in the file
from flask import Flask

def create_app(environment_name='dev'):
    app = Flask(__name__)
    return app
Previous LessonOur Project: YumroadNext LessonConnect Databases to a Flask App With SQLAlchemy ORM

This lesson preview is part of the Fullstack Flask: Build a Complete SaaS App with Flask course and can be unlocked immediately with a \newline Pro subscription or a single-time purchase. Already have access to this course? Log in here.