Furry Friend Gallery app

We're going to build on the previous Hooks demo by creating a dog picture gallery. First though, let's take a look at what we're going to build.

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  • [00:00 - 00:43] Lesson 3, the furry friend gallery. So for our big demo in this module we'll be building on the previous example a dog picture gallery for this time with a few enhancements. Let's take a look at the app to see what we'll be building. So you can see we've got a much improved UI thanks to the Bulma CSS framework. We're accepting a number of dogs to search for from the user. We're displaying the dog pictures in a flexbox grid and also a keeping track of how many dogs pictures have been searched for today. This will also be our first for air into development using the Create React App Starter Project provided by Facebook themselves. We're not building anything super complex just yet but there are a few moving parts to consider and some judicious use of both the use state and use effect hooks.