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[00:00 - 03:08] Hello and welcome to this course on full stack TypeScript development using tell when CSS on TRPC and modern features of Postgres Yeah, we probably should have thought of a shorter title, but it seemed to me like all of those things were important So that's why I left it all in My name is Christian DuPont and throughout this course. I'm going to be guiding you through what is currently my favorite stack for building web apps I'm hoping to leave you with a foundation for building your own products so what I'm trying to do here is get rid of all of the capital expense and Only leave you with operational expense so to speak so You will hopefully feel like you have a template or an example of how to do almost anything And then you can go and build your own products with this What is really important to me here is to create a system that uses the database as the source of truth Which means that we're going to be migrating it using raw SQL and we will allow ourselves to use the more advanced features That the database offers so that we are not just using plain tables and perhaps some indices or something like that Which you may be tempted to do if you're using something like an object relational map or normally I Still want to retain a high level of type safety throughout the system And I'm going to be showing you what we are doing to achieve that because that seems to me like It's the biggest advantage to this architecture and it's a quite nice thing to have once you have it in place There are a few things that we will not be going into and most importantly is probably authentication That is a moving target in terms of security and there's a lot of good material online that covers that So I'm going to be leaving that up to you Also, we will not be doing any kind of DevOps or deployment to production So the only thing we'll be doing here is creating the infrastructure that lends itself Very well to CI or CD continuous integration and deployment So it shouldn't be difficult for you to figure out how to deploy this to production once you have it up and running So the stack besides from the technologies mentioned in the title will be based on node JS The co-a server framework the query builder called next and then on the front end will be using React And the prerequisites for you is to be fairly familiar with TypeScript development and hopefully know JS and react a little bit You should also know some basic SQL because we will not be going into the details of all of these things But only cover them quickly I'm using VS code with prettier and ESLint extensions installed So I'd recommend you do the same unless you have a good reason to do something else That will make it easy to understand what I'm doing in the videos The other prerequisite is that you have both node JS installed and then either the Postgres server or Docker which you can then use to run a Postgres container and I'll be showing you how to do that in a one-liner throughout the course So with all of that if you're ready to go, let's get started