How to Structure a Design System Monorepo
How to structure a design system monorepo
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[00:00 - 01:18] So let's see now how we can architecture our mono repo so that it will be easy to work with and maintain. Here is an example of how our mono repo will look like. In the bottom we can see that we have Figma as our design truth and then we have three packages containing our mono repo. The first package is the foundation packets and if you remember from paste layering this is the kernel of our design system that will host of all of our design tokens. Then we have the component library which will of course host our react components and it will depend on the foundation packets to consume the design tokens. And the last packet that will help us develop and document our design system it is the storybook packets and to see how it will look like. This is a storybook. Here we have a simple button component. This is a simple react button component that consumes our design tokens. Here we have different colors and this is our typography. So let's move forward to start actually building our mono repo.